> Same pattern goes for gtk3. The only upto date gtk binding lacks any form of 
> API reference, and it's been a couple years.

We had the discussion (again) some days ago at GTK forum:


I have never recommended GTK for people not already familiar with GTK, as I 
know that learning GTK is some work -- more work than learning Nim for example. 
That is true for all language bindings -- for Python and D lang there is some 
documentation, for many language bindings there is nearly nothing. That is sad 
indeed. We would need a 600 pages book like the old GTK2 one of A. Krause for 
GTK3 and 4, and that for a dozen of languages bindings. The gintro page has 
already a large collection of examples -- together with other C examples or 
tutorials that offers a starting point. Of course a free book would be fine -- 
for GTK experts like Mr Bassi that may be only 1k hours of work, but for people 
like me with only basic GTK skills that would be more of course. For maybe a 
dozen Nim readers finally.

For your API reference, it is the C API and grep xxx 
~/.nimble/pkgs/gintro-0.6.1/gintro/* gtk.nim alone has 3k procs, all the gintro 
modules have about 10k procs and thousand of data types. Of course I can list 
all of them on a html page, will do it maybe over christmas. May look 
impressiv, but I am sure it is not helpful. Users with some GTK knowledge do 
not need it, and people without a clue of GTK will not benefit, they will need 
a book or at least very extended tutorials.

And finally, may I ask how many books you have written already, or how many 
great tools or libraries you have created, without being paid for it?

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