We had the discussion a few times in the last years -- if Nim is really a good 
start for kids and other people with absolutely no knowledge about CS.

Nim is fine for bright kids, sure.

But I hesitated generally to really recommend Nim for beginners, knowing that 
starting with the popular languages may be easier.

On the other hand -- generally Nim would be a fine beginner languages, with 
fine teaching materials and always an experienced Nim dev sitting beside you.

And when languages like C or Python are taught at school it seems to occur that 
that is sometimes done in a really bad and stupid fashion, and both of that 
languages are not perfect for teaching beginners.

The Nim situation has indeed improved in the last years, Nim community has 
grown a bit, and the number of tutorials has grown a lot.

Well, now there is one more. At least the first draft. Basically the result of 
maybe 10 days of work only. All was streamed directly from my head to the 
keyboard, so there may be some errors, due to the fine weather I have not done 
proofreading yet. But generally I am really satisfied with that start. Have no 
idea if I will work on it over the summer -- at least it is a start.


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