> 4\. Better safe than sorry. I've deliberately removed the migration 
> capabilities like add column, remove, rename table, etc. Turns out, 
> migrations are never trivial, and it's always better to just write SQL 
> manually than to try to automate it somehow.

That's very true. However, even if there is no automatic migration, it is 
helpful to have a tracking of which schema is in the database and which one is 
expected by the code.

As you generate a DDL statement that creates the tables (and in the future - 
maybe also indices, and/or triggers, and/or stored procs), perhaps you can use 
a sha1 of that statement to "name" the created/expected model, and then -- 
perhaps with a helper table that names the existing schema, you can verify 
whether the data model matches.

Migration from one schema to a another should NOT be within the scope of the 
main ORM in my opinion -- however, it is useful if versions of the software can 
ship with "migrate-HASH1-to-HASH2" scripts, many of which will be trivial -- 
and the applicator of which CAN be included with the ORM.

Just my thoughts and experience, mostly from using web2py (nowadays py4web) 
which made a lot of controversial choices, some good and some bad -- and most 
of those related to migration have a lot to teach by being bad ....

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