I get the following error when exporting some markdown to PDF with pandoc:

    An error occured: PDF creation failed:
    ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char \u8:  not set up for use with LaTeX.

    See the inputenc package documentation for explanation.
    Type  H <return>  for immediate help.
    l.150   Evolutionary Analysis}

    Try running pandoc with --latex-engine=xelatex.

I could hunt this one character down, but is there a package I could add to my 
texlive environment that might help handle this type of problem in general? So 
far I just use the standard one:

    myTexLive = texlive.combine {
      inherit (texlive) scheme-small;

Don't see any mention of xelatex in nixpkgs. Ideally I'd like to handle all of 
unicode, but just skipping any unrenderable characters would be OK too, since I 
gather latex doesn't do that yet?

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