Yes, this is one of the numerous things that need to be improved.
You really need to look for previous discussions about this on the mailing list and possibly on the wiki/manual.

Other distributions do not provide direct access to texlive packages. They provide access to TexLive-full. I can only assume texlive does not provide stable urls to its packages, otherwise these would have been used. But it may also occur that people working on texlive-new missed that feature (which seems unlikely).

-- Layus.

On 07/06/16 19:50, Taeer Bar-Yam wrote:
This seems like something that ought to be fixed, not ignored, yeah?
Presumably we're mirroring old versions of the packages, and it would be infeasible to mirror all of them?
Are there no stable versions of texlive packages out there?
Does anyone know how other package managers deal with this? Are they just not as careful with checking against hashes?
On Jun 7, 2016, at 2:57 AM, Guillaume Maudoux (Layus) < <>> wrote:

Bottom line is that texlive updates its packages frequently and our md5 are always out of sync. We mirror some packages but not the whole scheme-full.

AFAIK, you can either use scheme basic, or go trough the update procedure described in texlive-new/default.nix to get a (temporarily) up-to-date list of hashes and build against that.

-- Layus.

Le 6 juin 2016 22:33:35 UTC+02:00, Taeer Bar-Yam < <>> a écrit :

    actually it appears that only scheme-basic is working. scheme-full is 
giving me an error about md5 hash mismatches:
    ( output path ‘/nix/store/ayq32cfk92kiysywxnb35xfhsm4j3wbq-2up.tar.xz’ has 
md5 hash ‘7bb1a159a6e50d7cb807c58f471e360e’ when 
‘6160fbc7ab71be778081500b908d2648’ was expected )
    does anyone know what the problem is and how to fix it?

        On Jun 6, 2016, at 2:16 PM, Taeer Bar-Yam <
        <>> wrote: I had a similar problem
        and started using texlive.combine.scheme-full or
        texlive.combine.scheme-basic. Maybe try that, see if it works
        for what you need?

            On Jun 6, 2016, at 2:07 PM, Jeffrey David Johnson
            < <>> wrote: I was
            using texL! iveFull until recently, but now it's marked
            broken and a comment points users to the texlive.combine
            method. I tried checking out an older version of
            pkgs/tools/typesetting/tex but the dependencies don't
            line up with the rest of nixpkgs anymore. Probably I just
            want the full set of texlive-new packages, even if
            they're big, becuase I don't know what I'm doing enough
            to pick and choose. So I tried this monster (all
            collections + inputenc packages): myTexlive = with pkgs;
            texlive.combine { inherit (texlive) collection-basic
            collection-bibtexextra collection-binextra
            collection-context collection-fontsextra
            collection-fontsrecommended collection-fontutils
            collection-formatsextra collection-games
            collection-genericextra collection-genericrecommended
            collection-htmlxml collection-humanities
            collection-langafrican collection-langarabic
            collection-langchinese collection-langcjk
            collection-langcyrillic collection-langczechslovak
            collection-langenglish collection-langeuropean
            collection-langfrench collection-langgerman
            collection-langgreek collection-langindic
            collection-langitalian collection-langjapanese
            collection-langkorean collection-langother
            collection-langpolish collection-langportuguese
            collection-langspanish collection-latex
            collection-latexextra collection-latexrecommended
            collection-luatex collection-mathextra
            collection-metapost collection-music collection-omega
            collection-pictures collection-plainextra
            collection-pstricks collection-publishers
            collection-science collection-texworks
            collection-wintools collection-xetex greek-inputenc; };
            Still the same error though. Maybe it's a pandoc issue
            after all. Jeff On Wed, 1 Jun 2016 02:45:18 -0700 Linus
            Arver <
            <>> wrote:

                On Sun, May 29, 2016 at 04:56:12PM -0700, Jeffrey
                David Johnson wrote:

                    I get the following error when exporting some
                    markdown to PDF with pandoc: An error occured:
                    PDF creation failed: ! Package inputenc Error:
                    Unicode char \u8:  not set up for use with LaTeX.
                    See the inputenc package documentation for
                    explanation. Type H <return> for immediate help.
                    ... l.150 Evolutionary Analysis} Try running
                    pandoc with --latex-engine=xelatex. I could hunt
                    this one character down, but is there a package I
                    could add to my texlive environment that might
help handle this type of problem in general?
                I used to use the texliveFull package, which included
                xelatex. FWIW, I no longer use texliveFull; instead I
                use a Docker container for all TeX-related things as
                it is much simpler to use along with negligible
                maintenence costs, if at all.

                    So far I just use the standard one: myTexLive =
                    texlive.combine { inherit (texlive) scheme-small;
                    }; Don't see any mention of xelatex in nixpkgs.
                    That's probably because it still comes with
                    texliveFull, which is what most people use I

                        Ideally I'd like to handle all of unicode,
                        but just skipping any unrenderable characters
                        would be OK too, since I gather latex doesn't
do that yet?
                    AFAIK, Latex never dealt with Unicode natively.
                    Xelatex has much simpler font support (fontspec)
                    so I've always opted for Xelatex from the
beginning. Best, Linus
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