
What happens if you disable fail2ban? Maybe the behaviour has changed.

Or try to change the kernel and NFS versions.

I know it's not much help, all I can recommend is to try and replace each
component to reduce the error.

On Wed, 12 Oct 2016, 10:51 4levels, <4lev...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear Nix'ers,
> I've a permanent issue since the upgrade to nixos-16.09 in my local vm
> (with kvm-qemu from an SSD partition).  The load of the vm is increasing
> over time without any signs in the output of top.  Bash completion when
> traversing directories stalls and the whole system becomes unresponsive
> after about 5 to 10 minutes with top showing a load > 30.  Even rebooting
> fails with several services failing to stop (eg. fail2ban, phpfpm, ).
> This has everything to do with NFS: as soon as I disable the NFS mounts,
> the system maintains normal operation.  Nginx / phpfpm are using NFS
> mounted folders for local development.
> These are the filesystem declarations in the nixops expression:
>   fileSystems."/data/dev" = {
>     device = "d01:/data/dev";
>     fsType = "nfs";
>     options = [ "defaults" "noatime" "nolock" "noacl" "vers=3" "udp"
> "actimeo=1" ];
>   };
>   fileSystems."/extra/Documents" = {
>     device = "d01:/extra/Documents";
>     fsType = "nfs";
>     options = [ "defaults" "noatime" "nolock" "noacl" "vers=3" "udp"
> "actimeo=1" ];
>   };
> with d01 being declared in extrahosts
>       networking.extraHosts = " d01 d01.local";
> Has anyone an idea how this could be related to the upgrade to 16.09?  On
> 16.03 this all worked normally..
> Kind regards,
> Erik aka 4levels
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