On 2017-03-17 20:15, Jan Malakhovski wrote:
> Stefan Huchler <stefan.huch...@mail.de> writes:
>>> * Our common goal is to have fun (see below) and to get a NixOS system
>>>   that can run using only suckless tools [1].
>> which is a subject oppinion, which tools does suck and which not.

@Stefan: Don't feed the... thing.

> We won't argue. You are free to like and use whatever you want. We
> collectively hate systemd, pulseaudio and dbus and want
>   du -csh $(nix-store -qR /run/current-system)
> for a usable (for our definition of usable) system to be megabytes, not
> gigabytes. Putting LISP on top of Nix goes against that goal.

Uhm, you'd pay for the "bloat" of a LISP/Scheme exactly once -- much
like libc, except a lot more powerful.

>> Blooted GNU tools? So you like the horrible inferior tools that come
>> with android? its always good if software has less features?
> Yes. No, Android uses Toolbox, not even Busybox, and certainly not
> Suckless. No, but Suckless provide 90% of the features with 1-10% of the
> code.

Please define 'bloated' in any objective manner. While you're at it,
define the objective criteria necessary to deserve your "hate" (as you
mentioned above).

Anyway, it's your choice what to do with your time -- I just hope that
it won't result in any time waste for the NixOS project itself.


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