I could do a brief presentation on Clarkconnect, our Linux
file/email/ftp/web server that we use a lot, here at work.  I could also
talk briefly about iSCSI distributions I've used and the pluses and minuses
of them (Openfiler and NexentaStor.)
I'd love to do a presentation on the "super router" I'm building right now,
using VMWare, pfSense, and Untangle, but it is still in the building and
testing phase.


On Tue, Mar 3, 2009 at 11:03 PM, Kevin Eldridge <crash...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello NLUG,
> It's me, your friendly neighborhood Linux Users Group President! We
> have a situation, which have ran into the in the past and will run
> into in the future. The need for a presenter for March 2009. With the
> diverse set of talent we have in this group, I thought that someone
> would want to step forward and present this month. From our
> "Brainstorm ideas for presentations" page, we have the following
> suggestions for meeting topics:
> * OpenID
> * Spacewalk
> * Podcasting with entirely FOSS software
> * Writing Documentation using TeX or XML, or Docbook formats
> * Backups for home-type users
> * Openmoko
> * Enterprise Applications on an OSS base
>     - Interwoven TeamSite - Andrew Farnsworth and / or Rob Huffstedler
>     - Oracle
>     - DB2
>     - WebSphere
> * How to build a home NAS (or file/print/whatever server)
> * VoIP
>     - How to build a Trixbox/FreePBX system (or other basic VoIP system)
>     - OpenSIPS/Kamilio/OpenSER
>     - SipX
> * Linux routers using Zebra/Quagga or Vyatta
> * MythTV howto
> * iSCSI/SAN howto
> * HA/DRBD howto
> * Network Management howto (OpenNMS, Groundwork, etc)
>     - Nagios + Cacti integration (the 2 most recognized FOSS
> monitoring applications and their abilities along with integration
> together and other things such as syslog, and weathermap reporting)
> * Ultimate Home Server
>     - VoIP (Asterisk / Trixbox)
>     - PVR (MythTV)
>     - File Server (Samba, NFS, AFS, etc)
>     - Print Server (CUPS, Samba, etc)
>     - RAID (Hardware vs Software)
> * Control Systems
>     - Home control (lights, shades, lawn sprinklers, etc) I can
> present on this in November for basic Lighting setups. —stahnma
>     - Equipment control and interfacing (CNC, 'robots', etc)
>     - Real Time Linux (hard real time, vs soft real time, vs
> interactive) with examples
> * Programming on Linux (C/C++, ASM, Java, Ruby/RoR, PHP, Perl, Python,
> Lisp/Scheme)
>     - Cross-Platform Programming built in Linux
> * LFS (Linux From Scratch)
> * openSUSE 11 (SUSE has come a long way in this newest release!)
> * How to set up a complete Linux Email/Collaboration Servers such as
> Open-Xchange, Zimbra, and Scalix
> Some of you have already presented on these topics. I think just about
> everyone wants to see the MythBuntu session again. You may already
> have a Linux, UNIX, or Open Source presentation you want to present
> on. Step up and offer to present to a great group of like-minded Linux
> Users.
> Kevin Eldridge
> NLUG President
> >

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