Mark J. Bailey wrote:
> if this is anything like the way HIPAA "federalized" healthcare data
> handling, but for EVERY industry, you might want to consider a career
> change!  :-)  let's hope this doesn't reach that far (or, better yet,
> go nowhere at all is my vote).  HIPAA also came with a huge
> implementation ramp up and overhead for the healthcare end of things. 
> I can't imagine how small business owners would survive the weight of
> something of that scope if applied across the board in this economy. 
> I realize that the article implies a scope that includes mainly
> larger, public service type entities.  But, once the government body
> is in place, it will be like cancer seeking out more and more niches
> to occupy.
   I may agree with you, but the time has passed for discussion.   The
electorate has spoke and that is the way it is going to be.

Jerry Perkins
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