There are certain cases where BSD prevails over Linux, but in any
case, whatever does the job for is fine.  However,i've found in my own
personal cases that BSD offers much more stability in a  production
enviroment.  My personal choices for OSes are as follows...

1. Gentoo
2. FreeBSD
3. CentOS

in order.   Depending on what needs my client has or what use the
server OS farm needs to be, I would flip 1 and 2 around.  If you are
building out a firewall, FreeBSD would be the way to fly.

No flames, this is just my personal adventures with these OSes..

On Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 9:03 AM, Andrew Farnsworth<> wrote:
> Please, I am NOT trying to start a flame war, this is an honest request for
> knowledge.
> I am curious to know why someone would choose to use BSD rather than Linux
> and vice versa.  I have read several articles talking about BSD being
> carefully thought out as a whole and designed and tested to rigorous
> standards where Linux is not, but I am wondering if this is still as true as
> it once was.
> Pointing me in the direction of some current articles would be fine.
> Thanks,
> Andy
> >

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