*....you can swat flies with a shotgun, but a flyswatter is better you can
spread spackling with a flyswatter, but a spackle knife is better....*

....you can kill zombies with a spackle knife, but a shotgun is better.....

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: ./aal <aalh...@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 11:56 AM
Subject: [nlug] Re: BSD vs Linux
To: nlug-talk@googlegroups.com

On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 11:09 AM, Sky Dog<skydog...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Here's my unsolicited .02. I have FreeBSD running a 25.5 terabyte array at
> Vandy. Actually, I have two identical systems, that rsync each other every
> hours. Within 3 feet of that, is a box running Ubuntu, which then has
> virtual machines on it, running FreeBSD. Once of those is running Nagios,
> which watches all of the servers I watch.
> In my office, there are several laptops running Backtrack 4, which was
> on Debian originally, and should now be based on Ubuntu.  There's a
> Pro with OS/X which is based on FreeBSD. There are also four other
> in my office running WIndows XP, and one running WIndows 7.
> The moral to the story? There isn't one. A good craftsman uses the tools
> available to him, in the manner best served by their strengths/weaknesses.
> have many machines setup for different things. Sure, ubuntu runs apache
> fine... But I prefer FreeBSD for a webserver. I like ubuntu as a
> workstation, as opposed to FreeBSD. (I've used freebsd as a workstation)
> depends on what you want to accomplish, and how you want to get there.
> Everyone has an opinion, and sometimes that can get in the way of you
> getting to your final destination. Make your own decisions, and give it a
> shot. It may not always work...
> Thanks guys, for not dogging FreeBSD. It's always been there for me, but
> it's not the only tool I have. :)
> -Sky
> >

you can swat flies with a shotgun, but a flyswatter is better
you can spread spackling with a flyswatter, but a spackle knife is better

it is possible to be PRO-A without being ANTI-B

-- NOT sent from an iphone,blackberry,Nokia, or any handheld. --

I'm a PC(x86 AND ppc)
Linux is like ice cream. It comes in many flavors and everyone has
their favorite, but we all get the same smile regardless of which we
choose to scoop.
Samuel Goldwyn  - "You've got to take the bitter with the sour." -

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