>to answer ken's question:  i use automimeproc for the directives, and
>am willing to reformat mail slightly to move leading '#' characters when
>i get errors[1][2].  and i prefer not to have to type "mime" at the
>whatnow prompt, because i'm sure it would result in my recipients
>receiving a lot of mhbuild directives from me.

Fair enough.  What do you think about always running buildmimeproc but
having an option about whether to process mhbuild directives?  Something
like "automhbuilddirectives: 1" or something like that (it would default
to "0").

I'm just thinking out loud here.  My basic concerns is that I think nmh
has to start sending MIME messages all of the time now because (as we've
seen plenty of times) we get it wrong by default.  Calling mhbuild is
the easiest way of doing that.  But having a situation where # in the
beginning of the line causes the mail to fail is to me an intolerable
situation to present to unsophisticated users.

I'm fine with the #on/#off directives; I can see their usefulness.
Send in the code and we'll add it.

>[1] someone mentioned escaping:  thanks -- it looks like doubling the
>    '#' character, just at the beginning of the line, will get you a
>    single # in the output.  is that right?



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