Ken Hornstein writes:
> >Out of curiosity, then what is the value of "extras?"  Was there
> >a time it provided value, before header content exploded?
> Well, I don't mean to crap on anyone, Robert Elz in particular, but
> you can kind of see what I would call the original MH thinking here:
> But I think Robert comes from an era BEFORE everyone started cramming
> non user-readable metadata into email headers.  Whether or not that is a
> good idea is not really relevant at this point ... that ship has sailed.
> Honestly I'd be up for changing the default mhl file at this point, but
> I am sure there will be objections :-)
> --Ken

I would be in favor of removing the extras from the default files.
Most of what I'm seeing in headers is stuff like spam filter rankings.
Never understood what I was supposed to do with this except use it to
tune spam to get through.  Also piles of versioning information for
microsoft projects which is also useless to me, like what would I as
a recipient do with x-ms-office365-filtering-correlation-id?


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