Dear Nonmem users,

I am analysing a POPPK data with sparse sampling
The dosing is an IV infusion over one hour and we have data for time points
0 (predose), 1 (end of infusion) and 2 (one hour post infusion)
The drug has a half life of approx 4 hours. The dose is given once every
fourth day
When I ran my control stream and looked at the output table, I got some
IPREDs at time predose time points where the DV was 0
the event ID  EVID for these time points was 4 (reset)
(almost 20 half lives)
I was wondering why did NONMEM predict concentrations at these time points
?? there were a couple of time points like this.

I started with untransformed data and fitted my model.
but  after bootstrapping the  errors  on etas and sigma  were very high.
I log transformed the data , which improved the etas but the sigma shot
upto more than 100%
( is it because the data is very sparse ??? or I need to use a better error
model ???)
Are there any other error models that could be used with the log transformed
data, apart from the

Any suggestions would be appreciated


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