Dear Ethan,
the simplest solution to solve your problem would be to use the bootstrap
command of PSN ( With PSN installed you would
simply do:

bootstrap final_model.mod -samples=200

PSN would take care of unsuccessful runs and provide a nice summary of the
individual estimates.

Best regards

On Thu, Feb 5, 2009 at 11:18 PM, Ethan Wu <> wrote:

> Dear users,
>   I am trying to compare several specific PK/PD study designs by:
>  -- run 200 simulations with the final model (develope from original
> dataset)
>  -- fit the final model to the 200 simulated dataset
> To achieve above, I used $SIM SUBPROB=200 option
>  however, nonmem would  completely stop after running
> into estimation problem at one specific simulation/estimation cycles, for
> some designs it stop even before 10th iterations.
> Is there anyway nonmem could continue go on?
> Or, does someone know alternative way to achieve the goal?
> thanks

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