Dear all,


This is a reminder that the Uppsala Pharmacometrics group will be having two
NONMEM Workshops for intermediate and advanced users immediately before and
after the ASCPT meeting in Washington D.C. in March:


1.    Pharmacokinetic-Pharmacodynamic modeling of Continuous and Categorical
data in NONMEM - March 16-18


2.    New features and advanced methods for model building and evaluation in
NONMEM VI - March 21-23


Don't miss out! Workshops can be taken together or separately. For more
information see below or visit 


Best regards



Andrew Hooker, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Pharmacometrics

Div. of Pharmacokinetics and Drug Therapy

Dept. of Pharmaceutical Biosciences

Uppsala University

Box 591, 751 24, Uppsala, Sweden

Phone: +46 18 471 4355

Mobile: +46 701 679 048





Brief information for workshop 1:


The course presents modeling strategies, techniques and implementations
(using NONMEM) for the handling of PKPD information in population models. PD
models for continuous data as well as binary, ordered categorical, count and
time to event data will be discussed. The course will include new models and
methods for evaluation of models. The course will consist of both lectures
and hands-on computer exercises using NONMEM VI, PsN and Xpose 4. The
participants will be provided with a library of NONMEM code for the entire
field as well as self-instructive material for further studies and
exploration of examples for a wide range of PKPD models applied in different
disease areas. 


The course will be given by Prof. Mats Karlsson, Dr Lena Friberg, Dr Andrew
Hooker and Dr Ulrika Simonsson.


A prerequisite for the course is experience with performing NONMEM analyses
and basic knowledge of PK/PD models.



Brief information for workshop 2:


During the last decade they have been involved in the testing and evaluation
of NONMEM VI as it has been developed and several research projects have
focused on new functionality in NONMEM VI. In parallel, diagnostics for
model building have been developed, evaluated and integrated into NONMEM
VI-adapted versions of the freeware programs Perl-speaks-NONMEM (PsN) and
Xpose 4. In this course the Uppsala group will present some of the most
exciting new features of NONMEM VI and how these tools can be used in the
development and evaluation of non-linear mixed effects models.



The course will be given by Prof. Mats Karlsson, Dr Andrew Hooker and Dr
Radojka Savic.


A prerequisite for the course is experience with performing NONMEM analyses
or having attended a NONMEM basic workshop.



Course Fees (per workshop):


Regular fee: 2800 USD

Academic/Government fee: 1800 USD


Registration fee includes: hardcopy folder, extensive electronic material
including lectures, exercises, programs (PsN and Xpose), additional
self-study material including hands-ons and solutions. Continental
breakfast, morning and afternoon refreshments, lunch and a welcome reception
are included.


Attendance is strictly limited to 50 with a limited "reduced fee" places
available for academic/government participants. Registration and academic
fees will be offered on the basis of first come, first served.



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