
Some months ago I spent a few hours investigating this same problem. Below are 
my notes. Currently I use the last approach (which is actually a workaround, 
sorry...), that will hopefully be redundant when NM7 arrives,
best regards,


approaches for using more covariates in dataset:

* using CONT method ( 
- Pro: easy using PsN to generate the splitted dataset
- Con: Could get it to work only in NMV, not in NMVI (reason unknown, with and 
without PsN). poorly documented in NM. Needs ID CONT DV and MDV as the first 
columns on each row. 

* using Fortran script (
- Pro: in theory neat method, separate dataset for covariates.
- Con: gave problems with g77 compiler, but works with df. Needs adaptation for 
time-changing covariates.

* row-wise incorporation in dataset using EVID=2 events.
- Pro: solves problems with above methods... Unlimited amount of covariates. 
- Con: can make datasets much bigger (=slower?) when lot of covariates included 
(however, in NM6 easily switch on/off reading of covariates using IGNORE=...). 
May need extra code to avoid numerical difficulties for covariates that define 
states at t=0.

RJ Keizer, PharmD
Department of Pharmacy & Pharmacology
Slotervaart Hospital / The Netherlands Cancer Institute
Louwesweg 6, 1066 EC Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Phone: +31205124662

>>> <> 03/16/09 2:43 nm >>>
I am looking for a solution to get around the limit of 20 input variables 
in nonmem. 
The message you get with more than 20 variables in $INPUT is this:

STOP 4 statement executed

I did not find anything in the archives or on the Web. I recall having 
successfully done that in nonmem V, and I think it was about changing the 
value of 20 to another value in a few files.
My original naive idea was that this was just a single change to the SIZES 
file in nm VI but that seems to not be the case.

To keep the discussion focused, I am not looking for workarounds like 
solutions with concatenated values and an indicator variable.
For a change I am trying to get the software to adapt to the user's needs 
instead of the usual opposite situation.

Thanks for any pointers.



Andreas Krause, PhD
Lead Scientist Modeling and Simulation

Actelion Pharmaceuticals Ltd
Gewerbestrasse 16
CH-4123 Allschwil

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