Dear Carlos,

In principle, porting to other platforms is a wonderful idea, but currently
time constraints and the dependence of Delphi on Windows make this
impossible for a one-man spare-time development team like myself in the
short term. Of course, the source code is freely available - and if someone
would like to give this a go in something like Lazarus (the cross-platform
Free Pascal environment) or, even better, create a C++ implementation using
something like Qt, that would be wonderful...

Best regards

2009/5/26 Carlos Hoyo <>

> Dear Justin,
> Plans for a Mac Os or linux version?
>     Saludos,
> --
> Dr. Carlos Hoyo Vadillo
> Sec. Ext. FarmacologĂ­a
> Cinvestav
> Av. IPN 2508
> San Pedro Zacatenco
> 07360 MĂ©xico DF
> Tel: +52-55-5061-3800 ext 5438
> Cel. 55-385 22 888
>  On May 17, 2009, at 6:10 PM, Justin Wilkins wrote:
> Dear all,
> Census 1.1 has been released to beta. This version includes a number of
> enhancements:
> * The R(D)COM library has been removed, fixing some nasty incompatibilities
> with R version 2.8.0 and above (affecting Xpose plotting). It has been
> replaced with R-based file output, including support for PDF, JPG, PNG, BMP,
> Postscript and Xfig formats. Files have the additional advantage of being
> retained after the plot window is closed.
> * An R interaction layer and console window, controlled by a taskbar
> button, has been added.
> * MD5 file fingerprints are now optionally collected for NONMEM input and
> output, and checked for changes whenever accessed within Census.
> You can get it from, as usual. Comments,
> suggestions, support requests, bug reports and the like are as always very
> welcome, and can be sent to the Census mailing list - registration is
> provided at
> Census is a comprehensive project manager for NONMEM, providing detailed
> summary, comparison and overview of the runs comprising a given project,
> including the display of output data, post-run processing, and rapid
> diagnostic plots through tight integration with Xpose. While it runs only
> under Windows, it can read any NONMEM output to which Windows has access to
> via drive mapping.
> Census is, and will remain, free software under the Mozilla Public
> License, version 1.1.
> Last but not least, while this is a stable release, it's still technically
> a beta, incorporating a brand new backend, and it has not been as rigorously
> tested as a full release might be. Please bear this in mind before deleting
> your old versions of the software...
> Best
> Justin
> --
> Justin Wilkins
> -----------------------------
> Colmarerstrasse 31
> 4055 Basel
> Switzerland
> -----------------------------
> Email:
> Skype: kestrel_za2002
> Mobile: +41 76 561 0949

Justin Wilkins
Colmarerstrasse 31
4055 Basel
Skype: kestrel_za2002
Mobile: +41 76 561 0949

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