Upcoming webinar: Approaches to Reproducibility in Systems and Physiological 
By Herbert Sauro, PhD
Associate Professor, Department of Bioengineering, University of Washington, 
Seattle, WA
June 14, 2017, 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm EDT 

Register at http://www.rosaandco.com/webinars/2017/sauro
Reproducibility is the cornerstone of the scientific method; that is the 
ability to successfully and independently recreate an experiment.

Over the last 17 years a number of successful standards have emerged in systems 
biology modeling that are poised to allow modelers to create and publish 
reproducible simulation experiments. However, issues still remain. Though 
technically solved on a number of levels, the most significant impediment to 
achieving reproducible science is sociological. The reward system in science 
(at least in biology) puts more emphasis on publication metrics than on the 
actual results themselves.  
Reproducibility therefore takes a backstage, at least in systems biology 
modeling. This means that the bulk (>95%) of published models are not 
reproducible. Since our reward system is unlikely to change in the near future, 
efforts have to be directed instead at the journals. 

In this talk I will discuss some of the efforts we are trying to put in place, 
to encourage journals to put a higher emphasis on reproducibility, that 
includes both technical and cultural changes.   

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