*DDMoRe Model Repository challenge*

One of the recently created and volunteer led DDMoRe community group
<https://www.ddmore.foundation/model-repository-community/>  focusing on
the DDMoRe Model Repository wishes to launch its first challenge:

 *     “Win a prize by publishing models into the DDMoRe Model Repository
<http://repository.ddmore.foundation/> and promote exchange and
transparency in Science”*

*Who can apply?  *Anybody.

*Who can sponsor? *

   - If you are a company and agree that this idea benefits our scientific
   community, you can make a financial donation here
   <https://www.ddmore.foundation/model-repository-challenge/> or pass by
   the DDMoRe booth at PAGE (number 6) and your company will become an
   official sponsor of the DDMoRe foundation challenge webpage
   be seen to promote community led open science!
   - If you provide training to our scientific community/organizing
   congress, and agree that this idea benefits our scientific community, you
   can provide free places for DDMoRe Model Repository Challenge Prize Winners
   on your training courses/congress and your organization will become an
   official sponsor of the DDMoRe foundation challenge webpage
   <https://www.ddmore.foundation/model-repository-challenge/> and be seen
   to promote community led open science ! (please send us an email with your
   intention to info@ddmore.foundation to process your donation)

*You wish to make an in-kind contribution?  **à DONATE your models to the
DDMoRe Model Repository <http://repository.ddmore.foundation/>*

   - If you are an author of a recent scientific publication with access to
   the published model codes, then submit your model. If you do not have time,
   add your papers into our list and be ready to help any other scientist to
   get credit for your models ! You will receive acknowledgement and credit
   from the scientific community for promoting exchange and transparency in
   science and your models will become more visible and cited. If interested
   please send us an email to info@ddmore.foundation or pass by the DDMoRe
   booth at PAGE (number 6).

 *Deadline for sponsorship (preferred) or intention of sponsorship:* 29th
of June 2017

 *If the level of financial support committed is sufficient then the
following challenge will go live on June 30th:*


 *How does it work?*

   - The applicant should submit himself/herself for the models to be
   eligible for a prize.
   - The types of models to be uploaded by the applicant should be selected
   from a list provided by the model repository community group (which will be
   published on June 30th). This list has been created to avoid duplication
   and to provide the community with access to the most recent and/or cited
   published models.

   - Other models (for instance PAGE, ACoP, other journals, etc….) can be
      accepted for credit, but these should be proposed in advance to the model
      repository community group (info@ddmore.foundation).

   - Once the applicant has selected an eligible model from the list,
   he/she will be required to submit and share that model on the DDMoRe model
   - To be considered eligible, the model should be published following the
   submission guidelines of the DDMoRe model repository. If the model is
   uploaded in MDL/ PharmML the applicant will receive 3 credits, if the model
   is submitted in the original code the applicant will receive 1 credit. If
   the model is currently not available online, the applicant will receive an
   additional credit on top.

 *How will the winners be decided?*

   - A panel committee will review the applications that satisfy the
   eligibility criteria.
   - The 5 applicants with the highest credit will receive a prize.

*What will the winners receive?*

   - The prizes will be determined by the level of sponsorship received by
   DDMoRe foundation for this challenge during the next few weeks (by June
   - The prize money may be used to reimburse (in part or wholly) the
   winners travel expenses (flight/hotel) to attend ether a scientific
   congress or a training workshop.

 *Planned deadline for the challenge:* 30th of September 2017

 *Why do we believe in model exchange and transparency?*

*: improve your productivity by using directly executable models published
in the DDMoRe repository and increase the impact of your own models by
sharing them! Journal editors: ensure the reproducibility of your
publication content by requiring the model code be published on the DDMoRe

*Best regards, *

*The volunteers of the DDMoRe model repository community group  *

*(join us any time at
<https://www.ddmore.foundation/model-repository-community/>) *

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