*Metrum Research Group* (http://metrumrg.com/) will present a one-day
workshop entitled *“Advanced Use of Stan, rstan and Torsten for
Pharmacometric Applications” *on *Tuesday 29 May 2018, 08:00-17:00*. We
will provide a guided hands-on experience in the advanced use of Stan (
http://mc-stan.org/), rstan (http://mc-stan.org/interfaces/rstan.html) and
Torsten (https://github.com/metrumresearchgroup/example-models) for
Bayesian PKPD modeling. Stan is a flexible open-source software tool for
Bayesian data analysis using Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC) simulation---a
type of MCMC simulation. Torsten is a Stan extension containing a library
of functions to simplify implementation of PKPD models. This workshop
builds on the foundations presented in our previous introductory Stan
workshops (http://metrumrg.com/events/2016/10/23/bayesianpkpd.html). Topics
include model evaluation and comparison, models with systems of ODEs,
optimizing Stan code, using MCMC results for population and trial
simulations, and more. You will execute Bayesian data analysis examples
using Stan. Via the examples you will learn to implement population PKPD
models including those involving censoring, numerical solution of ODEs, and
user-defined probability distributions and likelihoods. Cost will be $600
for industry, $300 for academia/government/non-profit and $150 for
students. Click here (
for details and registration.

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