Dear NMusers,

I'm modeling a PK data set with a discrepancy between the documented dosing 
time and the actual dosing time. According to our clinical practice, actual 
dosing time is always >= documented time. I added a ALAG with IIV to address 
this issue using the following formulation.

ALAG1 = THETA(5) * EXP(ETA(5))

This indeed improved the model fitting quite a lot. However, this 
parameterization does not reflect the reality as I expect the ETAs should vary 
between each dosing event rather than only between patients. So I expect a 
"inter dose event variability" would better make sense to this end. Since there 
are too many dosing events per patients, a IOV-like approach is doable but not 
preferred. And it may not accurately reflect "inter dose event variability" 
either. I was wondering if there is any good solution to this problem? Any 
comments are very much appreciated!

Warm regards,
Tingjie Guo

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