
Back in April 2010, Sebastian Bihorel and Martin Bergstrand initiated a
discussion regarding using the M3 and M4 methods for handling BQL data and
how it seemed to be a bug that NONMEM wouldn't compute WRES for the entire
set of subject data records whenever a BQL was included (  Tom Ludden
responded with the following post (

This issue was discussed with Stuart Beal. He believed that weighted
residuals would be incorrect for an individual that had both continuous
dependent variables and a likelihood in the calculation of their
contribution to the objective function value, as is the case with his M3
or M4 BQL methods The code for both RES and WRES are intentionally
bypassed in these cases.

Since then, we now have easy functionality with the F_FLAG=1 condition of
the M3/M4 code in $ERROR to tack on MDVRES=1 that allows the calculation of
WRES and CWRES to be available in output tables.

My questions are: Is Stuart Beal's original concern still valid?  Do these
NONMEM updates give us appropriate WRES and CWRES for plotting purposes for
individuals whose records contain BQL data?

Thank you,

Mutaz Jaber
PhD student
University of Minnesota

*Mutaz M. Jaber, PharmD.*
PhD student, Pharmacometrics
Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology
University of Minnesota
717 Delaware St SE; Room 468
Minneapolis, MN 55414
Phone: +1 651-706-5202

*~ Stay curious*

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