Hello Rik,

xpose4 is based on lattice package, most of lattice arguments/options can
be passed to xpose4. To change the label of each stratum you can use this

*strip=strip.custom(factor.levels=myStrataLabel) *; myStrataLabel is
character vectors containing label for each of your stratum
to access or change the order of each stratification, you can use this
*index.cond = list(c(1,2,3,4...n))*, # Set order of sub-plots


On Thu, Sep 24, 2020 at 8:50 AM Rik Schoemaker <rik.schoema...@occams.com>

> Dear all,
> I realise that xpose4 is perceived as getting a bit old, but as far as I
> can tell it is still very widely used in the community, and auto-generated
> R-code from PsN still uses xpose4. My own hesitation has always been in the
> perceived lack of options to customise the output, but it has so many handy
> features 😊. Currently I'm running VPCs with multi-level stratification
> implemented using the STRT variable in NONMEM code, and my resulting VPCs
> have 4 graphs. However, the headings of these graphs are the pretty ugly
> "STRT==0.5", "STRT==101" etc. Is there a way to change this to a nice
> factor with customisable layout? And while we're at it: is there a way to
> access/extract the individual graphs so these can be formatted and/or
> printed separately?
> Thanks very much in advance!
> Kind regards,
> Rik
> xpose4::xpose.VPC(pc.info='vpc_results.csv',
>                          vpctab='vpctab008',#xlim=c(0,42),
> PI='lines',type='n',PI.identify.outliers=FALSE,#by='STRT',
>                          PI.x.median=TRUE,
>                          PI.ci.area.smooth=TRUE,
>                          PI.rug=FALSE,
>                          PI.ci.up.arcol="dodgerblue",
>                          PI.ci.down.arcol="dodgerblue",
>                          PI.real.med.col="brown",
>                          PI.real.up.col="brown",
>                          PI.real.down.col="brown",col="brown",
>                          main="VPC final model",ylb="Drug X
> (ng/mL)",xlb="Time (h)",ylim=c(0.01,120),logy=TRUE,
>                          scales = list(x = list(at = seq(0,36,3))))
> *Rik Schoemaker, PhD*
> *Occams *Coöperatie U.A.
> Malandolaan 10
> 1187 HE Amstelveen
> The Netherlands
> www.occams.com
> +31 20 441 6410
> rik.schoema...@occams.com


*Mahmoud Tareq AbdelwahabPhD StudentPharmacometrics Research GroupDivision
of Clinical PharmacologyDepartment of MedicineUniversity of Cape TownK45
Old Main BuildingGroote Schuur HospitalObservatory, Cape Town 7925, South

*Tel: +27 21 650 4861Email: abdmah...@myuct.ac.za <abdmah...@myuct.ac.za>*

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