Off-Topic: Kid finds knife in used backpack -- is suspended for a year for 
turning it in

        Davies says, per school rules, the incident meant an automatic
        one year suspension--a punishment that was later knocked down
        to 30 school days.  The issue wasn't just contained to he
        classroom; it also spilled over on to the football field.
        Davies tells us the school tried to keep her son from playing
        football.  "The school told me he could not go on their
        property, he could not play; he can't ride the bus with his
        team because it's a Coldwater bus," she said.
 - - -

He finds a knife in a used backpack. He turns it in. The school
suspends him for a year. These moron school administrators shouldn't
be let anywhere near children or any issues that involve children. Oh
by the way, in case you ever need it, the school district headquarters
phone number is: 517-279-5910.

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Lauren Weinstein ( 
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I have consulted to Google, but I am not currently 
doing so -- my opinions expressed here are mine alone.
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fall into the trap of using the latter. It's just plain wrong!
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