On Oct 20, 2008, at 7:56 AM, XenoPhage wrote:

> I've seen these mentioned before, but I wanted to give them a bump...
> I have two feature requests to ask for.
> First, backups.  I realize Time Machine exists, and I realize that
> manual backups are a definite possibility.  In fact, I am currently
> manually backing up my data.  I would love to see the ability to back
> up the data file to a remote location via FTP or WebDAV.  Personally,
> FTP works fine for me.
Hi Jason,

Backups are planned for a future release of MoneyWell, but they will  
be local copies. You'll still need to use a separate process to back  
up offsite.

> As an addendum to the above, I'd love to see the ability to password
> protect my data file.  Ultimately I would expect that this places some
> strong encryption on the file as well, but a simple password to start
> would be great.
Simple password protection of your files has been part of MoneyWell  
for quite a while. Just use File > Assign Password to lock down a  
document. This is designed to keep prying eyes out of your file but  
not to encrypt your data.

> Thanks, and keep up the excellent work.  1.4 is phenomenal, and I'm
> glad I stumbled across this software...  Much better than some of the
> others I tried out!

Thanks! I appreciate your feedback and kind words.


Kevin Hoctor
No Thirst Software LLC

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