Hi Christof,

MoneyWell has no limits on the memo field or any other text field. It  
also reads CSV and QIF files directly so you don't need a preprocessor  
script or application.

If you create memorized transactions, MoneyWell will assign buckets  
and even allow other defaults to be set on transactions during import.  
Let me know if you need more information please.


Kevin Hoctor
No Thirst Software LLC

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 9, 2009, at 5:01 AM, "christoph.lue...@googlemail.com" 
 > wrote:

> I am a happy Moneywell user of the last two months and being located
> in Germany obviously confronted how to import my bank statements in
> the best way.
> One option is saldomat (http://limoia.com/saldomat) which gets the
> transactions directly into Moneywell using a on-the-fly generated QIF
> document.
> The second option is to use a downloaded bank statement which is
> basically a CSV document with some header information containing the
> ctual balance and account name.
> In both cases the payee information in truncated with the details in
> the memo field. I already learned that I can fill the payee using the
> memorized transactions but then the Memo still contains this
> information and this is often a problem because the memo field in
> Moneywell is not big enough to display all the text. In Germany the
> detail information especially for mortgage postings is quite
> extensive. So this is a feature request to provide a bit more real
> estate for the memo field in the transaction detail section.
> But to my main point. I took care of the situation described above
> using a ruby program to read the bank statement, extract the payee
> information and add the known buckets for a selected time period. I
> now want to generate the best import file for moneywell to read it.
> I generated a qif file containing the transactions which worked
> perfectly. I also want to include the ending balance to be used in the
> reconciliation screen.
> Can this information be included in the qif file?
> My first attempt to do it like this
> !Account
> NSparda Giro
> D123454
> /03.04.09
> $1.234,56
> ^
> !Type:Bank
> D03.04.09
> T2.000,00
> PPayee Nr 1
> LSpecial Purpose
> Mdetailsdetailsdetails
> ^
> ....
> accepted the transaction but not the ending balance.
> Any suggestion or examples how to format the qif file or how to encode
> this as OXF file are greatly appreciated
> regards
> Christoph
> >

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