On Apr 16, 2009, at 10:27 PM, Jensen wrote:

> Ok, I think I am beginning to get the hang of this. . .
> Re: QUESTION 2: I had clicked the allocate button a bunch of times
> before, and by deleting those previous money flows I am now able to
> allocate the money as I had expected.
You can also edit money flows in the Bucket Detail by double-clicking  
on the date or amount to make the changes.

> A new question: there are some buckets (such as my "health insurance"
> bucket)  where I have a single payment that is made once a month.
> However, the way moneywell works, since i only allocate a portion of
> that expense in my first paycheck and a portion in my second to make
> up the full amount, until the full amount has been allocated at the
> end of the month it looks like I am going over budget until that
> point.  Is there any way for a bucket to not have the red "caution"
> color if moneywell calculates that I am "on track" to not go over my
> budget for a certain category? Because it's a bit distracting to look
> at buckets that are red if I know there's a fixed amount that I'm
> going to spend each month on that bucket and that I shouldn't worry
> about it (besides making sure it's properly factored into my spending
> plan). Make sense?

Why not allocate all of the money in the "First Half" of the month if  
you actually pay it that way? The other option is to shift your cash  
flow so you have money left over from the previous month in this  
bucket to cover half the cost.

The Timing setting gives you the power to direct how much gets  
allocated into the bucket in each half of the month.


Kevin Hoctor
No Thirst Software LLC

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