Matching Transfers:

I have two accounts at my bank. A Checking account that's what I do
most of my day to day spending with, and a high interest savings

Say I want to transfer 2000 from my Savings to my Checkings account. I
transfer money from one to the other, I then download my OFX files for
both accounts. when I load them up, they aren't matched, which is
fine. I then go to the Savings account, change the To: to the proper
account in the sidebar. This creates a new transaction in the Checking
account, and doesn't match up the existing one. So now I have 2
transactions for 2000 in the checking. I typically delete the one that
doesn't have (transfer) as it's bucket but it would be nice if there
was a way to either merge the two or have the software just figure it
out. It's a minor thing, but it would be a nice to have.

Highlighting Money Flows:

I have two types of money flows I typically expect. The regular
spending plan flows and unexpected expenses flows. It would be really
nice if it were possible to differentiate the two some how. Either
through a different colour, a memo I could add or something similar.
That way I can check at a glance which ones I planned on and how much
Ive spend out of plan.

Thanks again for this fantastic piece of software!
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