On Apr 18, 5:11 am, Patricia Cross <gweeptr...@mac.com> wrote:
> On Apr 18, 2009, at 1:14 AM, Blaise wrote:
> Until that ability (and the ability to memo money flows) is available,  
> here's the trick I use to tell them apart - if it came from Salary,  
> it's  spending plan flow. If it didn't, it was a manual flow because  
> of an unexpected expense.  Works for me anyway, the way I manage money.

I've been using the Bucket's memo field up to this point to document
why I made certain money flows, but it's no longer really feasible due
to the small screen real estate and the fact that I also use the
Bucket memo to document my spending plan (which I also extract into my
daily bucket balance email).

But now Trish's suggestion got me thinking ... if you really wanted a
poor man's version of money flow memos, you could create some
specially named Income buckets and flow the money from those into your
expense bucket. Then when you view the money flows for that bucket,
the "Bucket" column now acts like a "Memo" column. Sure it creates
some extra buckets in your list, but at the end of the month you can
merge these dummy buckets back into your Salary bucket, assuming you
don't care about why you made money flows more than a month old.

Kevin, if you're still debating how to fit a memo column into the list
of money flows for a bucket, perhaps you could just give us the option
to replace the Bucket column? If I had the ability the add memos to
every money flow, I wouldn't really care what bucket it came from.
Just a thought. Of course a mouse hover popup for the memo would work
as well :)

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