On Apr 18, 2009, at 12:06 AM, Blaise wrote:

> to expand on this idea. It'd be really nice to be able to pull up past
> changes to the spending plan. I tend to update my spending plan as I
> realize there are some gaps (e.g. winter vs. summer for electricity)
> and it'd be nice to be able to track those changes.

You will be able to see older spending plans but I haven't decided on  
comparison views yet. I'll add it to the list for review.

> Another thing I've noticed:
> while making the spending plan, the numbers seem inconsistent if you
> have less than a year's data in your file. I have 8 months worth, and
> when I use the "last 12 months" or All Year options, the numbers all
> seem low, like it's dividing by 12 despite the fact that there's only
> 8 months of data.

If you use All Historic Transactions, then MoneyWell divides by the  
actual count of months found. If you ask it to treat the history as a  
year, it will give you an average based on your Frequency setting.


Kevin Hoctor
No Thirst Software LLC

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