On Jun 3, 6:46 pm, Kevin Hoctor <ke...@nothirst.com> wrote:
> On Jun 3, 2009, at 8:59 AM, mark b wrote:
> > I often get cash from supermarkets when buying groceries etc.
> > I can split the payment into Grocery and Cash buckets but is there any
> > way of making the cash split go into the cash account?
> > Or do I need to do some extra transfers to make this work ?
> Hi Mark,
> Terry's suggest is spot on. Just use the Cash Only checkbox in the  
> transaction detail or the "C" column in the split list. Also check out  
> our Splitting Transactions video. It's a bit old, but I believe it  
> shows this off well.
> Peace,

Thanks that was it - I find it easier to read text help rather than
videos so I missed this.

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