> Lastly, I saw a post where it was suggested that when allocating
> income to the expense buckets each month, the remaining or overspent
> balance should not be considered and that the planned allocation
> should be the same each month.  My question would be why would you
> want to ignore the surplus'.  It seems to me the fiscally responsible
> approach would be to only allocate enough to meet the monthly plan and
> take the "extra" (the amount left in the bucket that wasn't spent) and
> put it in savings or contribute it to paying off debt.  Just curious.

I'm pretty new at this program, so if others have a better idea,
please let me know.  Here's what I'm doing about that:  the buckets
just tell me what I have available to spend on a particular category,
not which account the money will come from.   I get paid once a month,
and it's silly to leave all that cash in checking until all the bills
are paid.  So most of it goes into savings, and then once a week or 10
days, I transfer a portion out of savings back into checking.

But I want the buckets to roll over from month to month to allow for
quarterly payments.  For example, my health insurance premium is paid
quarterly.  It's a big chunk of change, so if I just waited until it
was due, I'd not have enough to pay it.  So each month, I allocate
some to insurance.  That means there's a steady monthly stream into
the bucket and at the end of most months, it looks like there's a
surplus.  But there's a large outflow once per quarter.  In the
meantime, the money is sitting in savings until I need to spend it.
But if I'd used it to pay down debt in the off months, I'd be in a
real pickle.

Make sense?


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