On 05/31/2016 09:56 AM, Stephen Gallagher wrote:
> As indicated in previous emails, my new $DAYJOB responsibilities are leaving
> little time to spend on Node.js maintenance work. I'm happy to hang around and
> serve as a comaintainer, but primary maintainership in Fedora should really be
> picked up by someone who can dedicate more time to it.
> Volunteers?
> As an aside, Patches (T.C. Hollingsworth) is still listed as the primary
> maintainer, but he's been non-responsive for over a year now; we should 
> probably
> request that FESCo orphan it so we can invest group::nodejs-sig as the 
> official
> owner.

Node.js 6.2.1 is out today. Who wants to volunteer to pull it in? I'll be around
on #fedora-devel to assist if there is any trouble.

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