
I'm one of the maintainers of Grafana in Fedora.

> Not that the tests would go away, but that the build/test dependencies would 
> be bundled in a tarball.

I really like the idea, however (using latest Grafana):

$ du -sch node_modules
1,7G    node_modules

Some of the largest dependencies:

$ du -am node_modules | sort -n -r | head -n 20
1719    node_modules
291     node_modules/@storybook
85      node_modules/@babel
81      node_modules/@storybook/core
78      node_modules/@storybook/core/node_modules
73      node_modules/monaco-editor
66      node_modules/@types
58      node_modules/@microsoft
54      node_modules/@microsoft/api-extractor
53      node_modules/typescript
52      node_modules/@microsoft/api-extractor/node_modules
50      node_modules/typescript/lib
49      node_modules/@microsoft/api-extractor/node_modules/typescript
46      node_modules/@microsoft/api-extractor/node_modules/typescript/lib
38      node_modules/@svgr
36      node_modules/@svgr/webpack/node_modules
36      node_modules/@svgr/webpack
35      node_modules/@svgr/webpack/node_modules/@babel
33      node_modules/monaco-editor/dev/vs
33      node_modules/monaco-editor/dev

$ ls node_modules | wc -l

Compressing the node_modules folder using zstd:
default level: 179 MB
zstd level 19: 108 MB

How can/should we bundle that? Is this size acceptable in a SRPM?

Bundling it would allow us to build the frontend and run the frontend tests as 
part of the spec, and we can apply patches properly (without (re)generating 
anything locally). Most of the patches at least, in case some security patch 
requires an upgrade of a npm dependency, we also need to recreate the vendor 

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