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Today's Topics:

   1. [notepad-plus - Help] RE: Notepad++ Help PLEASE (
   2. [notepad-plus - Open Discussion] Block-Select     like Textpad
   3. [notepad-plus - Open Discussion] Crazy use of     CPU on 5.4.3
   4. [notepad-plus - Open Discussion] A note on        IdeaTorrent
   5. [notepad-plus - Open Discussion] IdeaPluginWiki (
   6. [notepad-plus - Help] RE: Windows 7 RC    Hungarian character
      issue (
   7. [notepad-plus - Open Discussion] Notepad++ CPU    time
      excessively large files (
   8. [notepad-plus - Help] Notepad++ displays boxes    instead of
      chars (
   9. [notepad-plus - Open Discussion] RE: Crazy use    of CPU on
      5.4.3 (


Message: 1
Date: Sat, 20 Jun 2009 19:57:58 +0000
From: "" <>
Subject: [Notepad-plus-plus] [notepad-plus - Help] RE: Notepad++ Help
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

Read and respond to this message at:
By: fool4uanyway

Then I guess you didn't even take some time to think about it, what you want
and what I wrote.

It's a pity you don't even take some small effort to search the forums for 
problems and solutions.

Seems like you only want to cry out for help and sit back and wait for others
to do all the work for you, right?

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Message: 2
Date: Sat, 20 Jun 2009 20:26:33 +0000
From: "" <>
Subject: [Notepad-plus-plus] [notepad-plus - Open Discussion]
        Block-Select    like Textpad
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

Read and respond to this message at:
By: swatts2


Is there a plugin or config setting to get block-select to work as it does in

In Textpad, i can hold down Alt and highlight a rectangle of text. I know 
supports this already, but with Textpad, if i then hit Tab or Shift-Tab, the
block is indended leaving the start of the line unchanged.

Also, if i 'cut' the selected block and move to another line, i can 'paste'
the block in and it will insert each row of my rectangle in front of the 
characters in the row where i'm pasting.

Is there a way to reproduce this useful functionality in N++, please?


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Message: 3
Date: Sat, 20 Jun 2009 21:15:56 +0000
From: "" <>
Subject: [Notepad-plus-plus] [notepad-plus - Open Discussion] Crazy
        use of  CPU on 5.4.3
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

Read and respond to this message at:
By: carlos917

A few days ago I started a thread called "Navigating using the find all in 
.  Trying to overcome the problem I removed completely 5.3.1 and installed 5.4.3
and the plugging "Function List 2.0."  By the way the plugging is great, thanks.
Here is what I found:  When I open a 4 meg file, n++ 5.4.3 remains using 100%
of cpu for ~5 extra seconds after the file is open; for a 12 Meg file it keeps
running for extra ~10 seconds; and for a file ~100 meg it keeps running for
63 extra seconds after the file is open.  I found that very weird, so I did
the same exercise with scintilla; for the same files, once the file is open
the cpu usage takes ~1/3 to 1/2 a second to go to zero.  I removed completely
5.4.3 and went back to 5.3.1 and the same plugging.  I did open the same files,
and the behavior is the same as scintilla, basically once the file is open the
cpu usage goes to zero until I do something with the file.  On 5.4.3 even 
the window recreates the extra cpu time.  That could explain why the "navigating
using the find all in current document" crashes the software, n++ is still doing
something and sending one additional instruction crashes it.  I have two Intel
Xeon 3.4 MHz, 3.5 Gig memory and running XP professional.  So, it is not a lack
of resources.  I noticed that if I call the function plugging while n++ is still
going at it, my second cpu kicks in and uses it, while the other one is still
going at 100% usage.  The function/plugging finish, but n++ keeps going.  I
do not think is the plugging because when I discover the problem I did not have
the plugging installed.
Hope this help.

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Message: 4
Date: Fri, 19 Jun 2009 14:50:47 +0000
From: "" <>
Subject: [Notepad-plus-plus] [notepad-plus - Open Discussion] A note
        on      IdeaTorrent
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

Read and respond to this message at:
By: cchris

IdeaTorrent has been available for more than one month now. It harbors 17 ideas
totalling probably less than 50 votes. Perhaps 56.

I'd like to remind or inform of a few facts:
1/ IdeaTorrent is being considered as the preferred place to post requests for
2/ Developers can monitor IdeaTorrent. By clicking on idea titles, they may
a/ change the status: need clarification, good to go, not an idea,.. There are
like 10-12 modalities.
b/ Promote an idea from Popular to Bein implemened, and then to Implemented
c/ Use the "Developer comment" area to communicate with admins (gr3gw and I).
3/ More voters are needed to assess how popular an idea is and how much its
implementation should be prioritised
4/ There is a possibility to define tags for future release, and to associate
an idea with such a planned release. (admins only)

If we want IdeaTorrent not to sit idle, we have to use it, which mechanically
will make it more useful. phpBB will interface with it more helpfully than the
current forums. This improvement is scheduled for some weeks away - SF has 
the current forums would be phased out soon and migrated to phpBB.

I just implemented some categories, and categorized the current 17 ideas. Edited
1 title.


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Message: 5
Date: Sat, 20 Jun 2009 10:31:08 +0000
From: "" <>
Subject: [Notepad-plus-plus] [notepad-plus - Open Discussion]
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

Read and respond to this message at:
By: cchris

There have been quite a few posts, here and in other forums, which concern new
ideas for plugins that don't exist (yet).

I'll be creating a new MediaWiki page called Need A Plugin. It will be editable
by section (use the '+' tab at the top). There, each section will represent
an idea for a new plugin. Sections can be edited to add replies, viewed for
reference etc. And when a plugin has been born out of the process, the section
will have to dsappear as it has done its job.

What do you think?


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Message: 6
Date: Sat, 20 Jun 2009 13:12:03 +0000
From: "" <>
Subject: [Notepad-plus-plus] [notepad-plus - Help] RE: Windows 7 RC
        Hungarian character issue
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

Read and respond to this message at:
By: dymio

With Russian characters in Windows 7 I have some problem.
"???????????????? ?????? ?????" writing
as "???????????????? ?????? ?????". And in XP all
work without any problems.

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Message: 7
Date: Sat, 20 Jun 2009 21:32:51 +0000
From: "" <>
Subject: [Notepad-plus-plus] [notepad-plus - Open Discussion]
        Notepad++ CPU   time excessively large files
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

Read and respond to this message at:
By: fool4uanyway

I have a similar problem with quite large files with a size of 1 to 10 MB.

When I do a search for a word, the word is found immediately, indicated by the
vertical scrollbar having moved to the correct position. But then Notepad++
takes some seconds, not obviously for what, before it shows the corresponding
part of the file.

I guess this has to do something with the Syntax Highlighting. Those files are
some simple log files, but I have SQL Syntax Highlighting applied to them. The
only things that (have to) get highlighted are numbers, though.

Perhaps the same is the case for you. Funny, I didn't test those files and the
find and show behavior without the Syntax Highlighting applied. Could you?

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Message: 8
Date: Sun, 21 Jun 2009 02:40:33 +0000
From: "" <>
Subject: [Notepad-plus-plus] [notepad-plus - Help] Notepad++ displays
        boxes   instead of chars
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

Read and respond to this message at:
By: kintak

Hi there,
I was just introduced to this program not long ago, so forgive me if there's
a simple solution to this that I don't know.
The problem is that Notepad++ refuses to display certain characters, and instead
displays boxes. For example, it will replace ? with a box. Now, I thought
this was a unicode version, so I am a bit confused. Is there something I can
do to fix this, or do I just pray to the gods that a patch is made?
I did read in the FAQ that plugins can cause this, so I tried running Notepad++
without them, but it was to no avail.


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Message: 9
Date: Sun, 21 Jun 2009 03:04:52 +0000
From: "" <>
Subject: [Notepad-plus-plus] [notepad-plus - Open Discussion] RE:
        Crazy use       of CPU on 5.4.3
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

Read and respond to this message at:
By: carlos917

I have tried with both Syntax Highlighting and just pure text.  In my case,
the files are mainly numbers and I just look for a few lines that start with
*.  Also I noticed that when I use the Function Plugging, if the file is large
the cursor location is off for a couple of lines.  It can be very confusing.
The cursor is located typically before/above the line that I'm looking for.
With small files that does not happen.  As I would expect the language 
slow down the file opening, but once the file opens the cpu usage should goes
to zero.

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