Subject: Do not forget : OPTIMAL DESIGN PRIZE 2005

Dear Colleagues,

We would like to recall you that CADLM has established the OPTIMAL DESIGN 
PRIZE to honour young researchers and engineers of outstanding merit in this 

The Intelligent Optimal Design Prize, will consist of a medal and a cash 
prize of 2 000 US $.
The first prize will be attributed at the special workshop on "Optimal 
Reliability of Nuclear Structures"organized in Beijing during the SMiRT 
conference (7-12, august 2005), see here for details.

Candidates, not older than 40, should be the authors of one original paper 
meeting the objectives of CADLM, i.e. to promulgate the advancement of the 
intelligent optimal design by disseminating knowledges of sciences and 
technologies among industries.

Applicants for the Optimal Design Prize 2005 must submit the following to 
any member of the jury or to the CADLM Secretariat no later than April 15, 
- Scientific Curriculum Vitae
- List of publications
- Original scientific paper dealing with optimal design and related topics 
(max. 32 pages)
- Two letters of recommandation.

Members of the Jury :

Bathe, K-J..............................MIT, USA
Brnic, J............. ........Faculty of Engineering Rijeka, Croatia
Chavardès, D.........Ambassade France, China
Chong, K........... ....NSF, USA
Jovanovic, A. .... .MPA, Germany
Maceri, F. ............Roma 2 Universita, Italy
Machenaud, H. ............EDF Asie Pacifique, China
Maier G. .......................Politechnico Milano, Italy
Mroz, Z. ..........................IPPT, Poland
Nemat-Nasser, S. ..........UCSD, USA
Schoenauer, M. .....INRIA, France
Zarka, J. ...............CADLM, France
Zhang, W ..................Northwestern Polyt Univ, China
Zhou, Y. ...........Tsinghua University, China

Soon the date line will be reached for this award; then do not wait.

We look forward having your documents and meeting you soon.

Best wishes and regards

Joseph ZARKA


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