Dear Colleagues, Students
and Professionals: We are inviting you to send
an abstract to the Mini-Symposium: “MULTI-SCALE MODELLING OF MATERIALS AND 
STRUCTURES"(Objectives: Most modern materials and
structures owe their advanced properties to the underlying engineered material
microstructure. Microstructural effects play a determinant role in the behavior
of heterogeneous materials, since material mechanics on the smallest scale
determines the macroscopic or structural response. An-in depth understanding
and realistic prediction of the complex and possibly nonlinear behavior of such
materials (e.g. lightweight lattice micro structured materials, foams for
aerospace applications, composites in general) and structures (e.g. reinforced
concrete structures in civil engineering) through numerical simulations is of
obvious and growing importance. This usually requires the development and use
of (nonlinear) multi-scale methodologies that build a bridge between the scale
of the material micro structure and the scale of the structure. Contributions
are solicited in (but not limited to) the following areas:– Upscaling 
methodologies: same or different material
representations on different scales (e.g. discrete-to-continuum,
continuum-to-discrete), concurrent computing schemes, domain decomposition
methodologies, computational homogenization;– Parallel computational solution 
of multi-scale
problems;– Their
applications to specific microstructural configurations and materials;–
Their incorporation in engineering applications.) within the CILAMCE 2016, 
which will be held at Brasília, DF, Brazil, from
November 6 to 9, 2016. The event will be hosted by the Graduate program in 
Engineering Material
Integrity (PGINTEGR) of the University of Brasilia (UnB), and the
Brazilian Association for Computational Methods in Engineering (ABMEC). Please 
take a look at the homepage  to find updated 
information about the Cilamce 2016. Call for Abstracts
and Papers: Abstracts are
invited by May 17, 2016. For details about formats and the
submission procedure, please visit the conference website 
). We look forward to seeing you in Brasília! Best regards, Prof.
Péter Z. Berke, UFC, Brazil, Ricardo A.M.
Silveira, UFOP, Brazil,
Prof. Thierry J.
Massart, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium,
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