FEF CONFERENCE 2017 19th IACM International
 Conference on Finite Elements in Flow
 Problems - FEF 2017April 5 - 7, 2017 /
 Rome, Italy The Finite Elements in
 Flow (FEF) Problems Conference
 has a rich history that closely parallels the development and
 maturation of the
 finite element method and its application to computational
 fluid dynamics
 problems. The FEF meetings began in
 Swansea (U.K.) in 1972 and are
 the principal forum for the exchange of research results in
 all aspects of flow
 simulation using the finite element method.The scope of the
 conference is intentionally broad with
 coverage of theory, implementation, assessment and application
 in all of the
 major and emerging areas of fluid dynamics and flow-related
 phenomena.Deadline for
 presenting a one page abstract is November 21, 2016 For further information 
please contact the
 Secretariat. ------------------------------------------------------------IACM
 DEADLINES 7th International Conference on Coupled
 Problems in Science and
 Engineering - COUPLED PROBLEMS 2017 
12 - 14 June 2017 / Rhodes
 Island, Greece Upcoming Deadline:Presentation
 of a one page abstract: October 31, 2016 For further information please 
contact the
 Secretariat. -----------------------------------------------------------6th 
International Conference
 on Computational
 Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake
 Engineering - COMPDYN 2017 
15 - 17 June 2017 / Rhodes
 Island, GreeceIn conjunction
 with the 2nd
 International Conference on Uncertainty Quantification in
 Sciences and Engineering (UNCECOMP 2017) Upcoming Deadline:Abstract 
Submission: 15 November
 2016 For further information please contact the
 Secretariat. Please note that COMPDYN and UNCECOMP 2017
 conferences will be held
 immediately after the end of COUPLED
 PROBLEMS 2017, at the same
 venue. -----------------------------------------------------------5th
 International Conference on Computational and
 Mathematical Biomedical
 Engineering (CMBE17)10 - 12 April 2017 /
 University Club, University of
 Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. Abstracts must be
 prepared as a PDF file
 using the template provided for electronic submission.
 Submissions can be
 considered for a particular mini-symposium (MS), a standard session
 (SS), or for a
 poster presentation (P). You can now consult the List of
 Mini-Symposia for 2017. Important datesAbstract
 submission deadline: 15
 December 2016Early bird
 registration deadline:
 15 February 2017 For general information and
 organisational matters please
 contact: Etienne Boileau 

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