---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Mariano Febbo <mfe...@uns.edu.ar>
Date: Thu, 8 Apr 2021 at 08:09

Estimado Mario:
Podrás reenviar este mensaje a la lista de AMCA, quizás le interese a algún
Muchas gracias
Mariano Febbo

-------- Mensaje original --------
Asunto: Post-Doc position
Fecha: Thu, 8 Apr 2021 08:35:13 +0000
De: Mateusz Wojna <mateusz.wo...@dokt.p.lodz.pl>

Dear Sir/Madame,

We would like to inform you that Department of Automation, Biomechanics and
of Lodz University of Technology is looking for a talented young
scientists, * holding PhD title for no longer than 7 years*, who are
interested in continuing their scientific work in the field of *mechanical
engineering* and/or *nonlinear dynamics*.

Currently we have open application for 9-month full time Post-Doc position
(with estimated starting date May 15, 2021 in project positions in our
ongoing project *„Modeling and nonlinear dynamics of
magneto-electromechanical systems” *(short summery available here:

For details on the position follow the link to announcement

If you are not eligible to apply to our job offer, we would be grateful if
you forwarded it to other possible candidates.

On behalf of prof Jan Awrejcewicz, Head of Department of Automation,
Biomechanics and Mechatronics and Principal Investigator of both projects.

Best regards,

*MSc. Mateusz Wojna*


[image: abm_pl2]

Department of Automation, Biomechanics and Mechatronics
Lodz University of Technology

1/15 Stefanowskiego Str., 90-924 Lodz, POLAND
phone 0048426312225 <callto:0048426312225> e-mail: w1...@adm.p.lodz.pl

[image: Politechnika Łódzka / Lodz University of Technology]
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Twitter] <https://twitter.com/p_lodz_pl> [image: Youtube]
<https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbBnxpxg1DbSrIBwvebJghg> [image: Linkedin]
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