hi @nacx 

thanks for the explanation of the wiring.

I've tried to run live tests, but may not be set up for it - the tests have 
`@SinceApiVersion` are 
find . -name '*Api.java' | xargs grep -l SinceApiVersion | sed 's#.*/##' | 
while read file ; do   find . -name ${file%.java}LiveTest.java; done
I can run `/providers/aws-ec2/.../AWSSubnetApiLiveTest` and 
`/apis/ec2/.../SubnetApiLiveTest` successfully.

I've tried running `/apis/ec2/.../ElasticIPAddressApiLiveTest` with the same 
credentials, and I get `org.jclouds.rest.AuthorizationException: POST 
https://ec2.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/ HTTP/1.1 -> HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized` 
results for both operations; I have also tried this with a different Amazon 
account, with the same result.   I suspect I need to do something else to run 
the test correctly but I'm not sure what? I'm running them as e.g:
mvn clean install  -Dtest.ec2.identity=.... -Dtest.ec2.credential="..." 
-Dtest=InstanceApiLiveTest -Plive

When running the Chef tests I get errors complaining about `No such file or 
directory` for my `.chef` folder, so must need some more setup there, but 
haven't found any instructions on how to set up the chef tests.

I haven't tried the tests in `/apis/openstack-trove`, 
`/providers/google-compute-engine`, or `/apis/cloudstack` as the `FormSignerV4` 
is only used for AWS.

Have you any links to info that I might be able to use to get those ec2 tests 

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