@nacx - I have taken a look at what you are proposing. I do see the value in 
what you suggest. However I am slightly confused about how I might complete 
this. I have [pushed a new 
 that maybe you could look at to help you understand where I am at.

First thing, I have created a new class `PaginationFilterOptions` which is more 
or less the same as existing `PaginationOptions` but does not extend 
`BaseHttpRequestOptions`. The reason for the new class is that we use 
`PaginationOptions` on other APIs that at the moment I do not want to change 
since we do have the same requirements for datacenter filtering. I have also 
introduced a `DatacenterIdListFilters` which does extend 
`BaseHttpRequestOptions` and wraps the `PaginationFilterOptions` so that it can 
be used for pagination.

Taking the example of [ServerApi 
 as it looks on this PR we expose two methods for `listServers`. The first one 
is what I think is the user facing API one with the Set of `datacenterIds` we 
want to query on:
   PagedIterable<Server> listServers(@QueryParam("datacenterId") Set<String> 
The second is the one as used in order to iterate over the pages returned:
   PaginatedCollection<Server> listServers(@QueryParam("datacenterId") 
Set<String> datacenterId,
         PaginationOptions options);
With the changes you propose I can see this working as below. I'm hoping this 
is the parameters of the two listServer methods.

   PaginatedCollection<Server> listServers(DatacenterIdListFilters 

   PagedIterable<Server> listServers(@QueryParam("datacenterId") Set<String> 

   final class ParseServers extends ParseJson<Servers> {

      ParseServers(final Json json) {
         super(json, TypeLiteral.get(Servers.class));

      static class ToPagedIterable extends Arg0ToPagedIterable<Server, 
ToPagedIterable> {

         private DimensionDataCloudControlApi api;

         ToPagedIterable(final DimensionDataCloudControlApi api) {
            this.api = api;

         protected Function<Object, IterableWithMarker<Server>> 
markerToNextForArg0(final Optional<Object> arg0) {
            return new Function<Object, IterableWithMarker<Server>>() {
               public IterableWithMarker<Server> apply(Object input) {
                  return api.getServerApi().listServers(
DatacenterIdListFilters.Builder.datacenterId((Set<String>) arg0.get())


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