On Fri, Dec 04, 2009 at 04:12:47PM -0800, Carl Worth wrote:
> Handling --prefix will be a nice addition to our configure script. So,
> thanks!

Yeah, it's definitely needed for the Debian packaging as well.

> Your commit message has that flag word of "also" in it, and as it turns
> out, the removal of Makefile.config from the repository has actually
> happened already. But that was easy enough to fix.

I was thinking that the removal of the Makefile.config from the repo
went together with the new auto-generation of that file from configure
script.  Do you think they still should have been separate patches?

> > +# option parsing
> > +for option; do
> > +    if [ "${option%=*}" = '--prefix' ] ; then
> > +   PREFIX="${option#*=}"
> > +    fi
> > +done
> I've gone ahead and committed that now. Then I noticed that we should
> really use ${option%%=*} to support the case of an option value
> containing an '=' character. So I fixed that.

Ah, good catch.  Sorry about that.  

> Our configuration system certainly isn't as full-featured yet as a
> standard autoconf-based configure script, but I'm quite happy with how
> clean it is for both users and developers.

Autoconf terrifies me, so I agree I'm quite happy with the simple
configure script we have right now.  If it gets the job done without
having to deal with autoconf then that's great in my book.


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