also sprach Ruben Pollan <> [2010.02.19.2112 +0100]:
> > 1. will there be a usable  ncurses or mutt version that supports
> > notmuch anytime soon?
> I started to work on that I while ago. I didn't hack on it for
> a while, but I hope I'll return to it soon. Anyway to create
> a proper good client is a lot of work, I don't think I'll be able
> to make something usable in months (if I ever make it).

How would mutt support notmuch? Could you elaborate on the way you
plan to integrate them?

martin | |
"it is easier to be a lover than a husband for the simple reason
 that it is more difficult to be witty every day
 than to say pretty things from time to time."
                                                   -- honoré de balzac

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