On Thu, May 08, 2014 at 07:54:38PM +0000, Wael Nasreddine wrote:
> - Revert my changes (except for the CI)

I'd revert all the changes and submit them upstream, so the GitHub
repository is an exact mirror of
http://git.notmuchmail.org/git/notmuch.  A Travis-CI file is
Travis-specific, not necessarily GitHub-specific.  You could,
theoretically, run your own Travis without involving GitHub at all
[1].  Since there's already automated testing with buildbot [1], I
doubt the travis patch will land in master, but you never know.
However, none of this stops you from having your own fork of notmuch
with the travis patch in it, and you can use cron jobs or whatever to
merge with the upstream master as often as you like.

> - Add a "mirror of .." to the description on top of the page

Looks like this is already there.

> - Manually update the contrib/ bindings/ as they change in here and maybe
> automate it later.

With an exact mirror, adding a post-update hook that pushes from
git.notmuchmail.org/git/* to the appropriate GitHub repo should be
easy.  GitHub does this internally for Emacs, GCC, etc. [3,4], but
we'd probably have to do it by hand for notmuch.

> - Remove the Issues, Pull Request and the Wiki

Adding a note directing folks to the mailing list would probably also
be useful.


[1]: https://github.com/travis-ci/travis-ci
     I haven't looked through all of these packages, maybe they're not
     all open source, or maybe there are closed-source pieces missing.
     Still, it looks like a lot of Travis is open source.
[2]: http://buildbot.notmuchmail.org/grid
[3]: https://help.github.com/articles/about-official-github-mirrors
[4]: https://github.com/mirrors

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