On Thu, May 08, 2014 at 09:43:01PM -0500, Felipe Contreras wrote:
> W. Trevor King wrote:
> > I don't think merge conflicts are the problem here.  If the GitHub
> > mirror claims to be a mirror but adds an additional commit B?
> That wouldn't be a problem if HEAD didn't point to 'master' but to
> 'upstream' which would be 'notmuch/master'.
> Or if the branch with the modifications was called something else,
> like 'travis-ci'.

Agreed.  The only problem I'd have is that you'd want to say that the
GitHub repo was a mirror, since the primary repo would still be
git://notmuchmail.org/git/notmuch.  If it's a mirror, I think it
should mirror all refs on the main repo [1] without adding new ones.
I'm happy for 'travis-ci' branches and whatnot in repositories that
don't claim to mirror the notmuchmail.org repo.  I'm also happy to
have the Travis config upstream (in any branch), in which case it
would show up in the mirror.  I just don't think it's a good idea to
have tweaks on a ?mirror? that aren't upstream, even if it doesn't
effect any upstream refs.


[1]: in the style of 'git clone --mirror ?'

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