Tomi Ollila <> writes:

> Often Linux systems are shipped with wget(1) by default (and no curl).
> Many BSDs, macOS, and e.g. some Linux minimal/container images
> comes with curl(1) (and no wget).
> Attempting to download with curl if wget is not available increases
> the likelihood for this to succeed.

the patch is OK for me. What I wondered was if we should switch to
committing the test artifact(s) to a git branch (maybe even to
master). Originally I was worried about accumulating binary blobs in git
history, but it seems we rarely change this blob.  Of course using git
is problem for people who want to run the upgrade tests without a git
checkout; I'm not sure how many of those people there are.

The performance test corpus is large enough that I think the seperate
download makes sense. I also hope that it will be updated to reflect
more real world bottlenecks.

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