 emacs/notmuch-hello.el | 35 ++++++++++++++++++++++-------------
 1 file changed, 22 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)

diff --git a/emacs/notmuch-hello.el b/emacs/notmuch-hello.el
index 4662e704..810f094e 100644
--- a/emacs/notmuch-hello.el
+++ b/emacs/notmuch-hello.el
@@ -143,6 +143,10 @@ a plist. Supported properties are
   :sort-order      Specify the sort order to be used for the search.
                    Possible values are `oldest-first', `newest-first'
                    or nil. Nil means use the default sort order.
+  :excluded        Whether to include mail with excluded tags in the
+                   search. Possible values are `include', `exclude',
+                   or nil. Nil means use the default value of
+                   `notmuch-search-exclude'.
   :search-type     Specify whether to run the search in search-mode,
                    tree mode or unthreaded mode. Set to `tree' to
                    specify tree mode, 'unthreaded to specify
@@ -484,19 +488,19 @@ diagonal."
             append (notmuch-hello-reflect-generate-row ncols nrows row list))))
 (defun notmuch-hello-widget-search (widget &rest _ignore)
-  (cl-case (widget-get widget :notmuch-search-type)
-   (tree
-    (let ((n (notmuch-search-format-buffer-name (widget-value widget) "tree" 
-      (notmuch-tree (widget-get widget :notmuch-search-terms)
-                   nil nil n nil nil nil
-                   (widget-get widget :notmuch-search-oldest-first))))
-   (unthreaded
-    (let ((n (notmuch-search-format-buffer-name (widget-value widget)
-                                               "unthreaded" t)))
-      (notmuch-unthreaded (widget-get widget :notmuch-search-terms) nil nil 
-   (t
-    (notmuch-search (widget-get widget :notmuch-search-terms)
-                   (widget-get widget :notmuch-search-oldest-first)))))
+  (let ((search-terms (widget-get widget :notmuch-search-terms))
+       (oldest-first (widget-get widget :notmuch-search-oldest-first))
+       (exclude (widget-get widget :notmuch-search-exclude)))
+    (cl-case (widget-get widget :notmuch-search-type)
+      (tree
+       (let ((n (notmuch-search-format-buffer-name (widget-value widget) 
"tree" t)))
+        (notmuch-tree search-terms nil nil n nil nil nil oldest-first 
+      (unthreaded
+       (let ((n (notmuch-search-format-buffer-name (widget-value widget)
+                                                  "unthreaded" t)))
+        (notmuch-unthreaded search-terms nil nil n nil oldest-first 
+      (t
+       (notmuch-search search-terms oldest-first exclude)))))
 (defun notmuch-saved-search-count (search)
   (car (notmuch--process-lines notmuch-command "count" search)))
@@ -643,6 +647,10 @@ with `notmuch-hello-query-counts'."
                                     (newest-first nil)
                                     (oldest-first t)
                                     (otherwise notmuch-search-oldest-first)))
+                    (exclude (cl-case (plist-get elem :excluded)
+                               (exclude t)
+                               (include nil)
+                               (otherwise notmuch-search-exclude)))
                     (search-type (plist-get elem :search-type))
                     (msg-count (plist-get elem :count)))
                (widget-insert (format "%8s "
@@ -652,6 +660,7 @@ with `notmuch-hello-query-counts'."
                               :notmuch-search-terms query
                               :notmuch-search-oldest-first oldest-first
                               :notmuch-search-type search-type
+                              :notmuch-search-exclude exclude
                (setq column-indent
                      (1+ (max 0 (- column-width (length name)))))))

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