ricardomart...@riseup.net writes:

> Ok, so I tested this. I tried stopping the systemd unit of the emacs
> server, opened an emacs instance, and started the server from within
> emacs (M-x server-start <RET>). Connected to this server in a new frame
> ($ emacsclient -nc) and tried executing notmuch again (M-x notmuch
> <RET>). This time, it worked like it should. So, definitely an issue
> with the systemd unit method of initialization there, although it only
> executes /usr/bin/emacs --fg-daemon, so I'm not sure exactly is going on
> here that's causing the problem. 

I don't have personal experience with running emacs from systemd, but I
guess it could be worth trying

M-: (executable-find "notmuch")

That will verify that you are not being tripped up by multiple notmuch

Another thing to try is

M-x notmuch-search <return> tag:inbox <return>

This may give a more helpful error message (or it may work fine,
indicating the problem is really with notmuch count, but the --batch
option is almost 10 years old now, so I think that error checking
probably needs to be updated.

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