Then we have to drop src/main/csharp, too. 

Tests could be in a subfolder 'Test' or 'Tests', resources are kept together 
with normal sources. 

That would be most common while adding the possibility to have tests together 
with the code, but omit it in the compiled assembly. Most .NET-Developers will 
fi d that to be good news and it is optional anyway. 


Mobil versendet. 

Am 15.11.2011 um 09:57 schrieb Brett Porter <>:

> Sounds good to me. The conventional directory layout should be what most .NET 
> developers expect it to be (but still configurable).
> - Brett
> On 14/11/2011, at 11:25 PM, Lars Corneliussen wrote:
>> Hi guys,
>> in java it is common to have package folders inside 'src/main/java', as for 
>> example 'npanday/plugins/compile' - in .NET on the other hand we just 
>> configure a root namespace in the project file and then start with folders 
>> from there.
>> I'd like to do that in NPanday, too. That means remove the path-segments 
>> that repeat the default namespace per project.
>> Any objections?
>> _
>> Lars
> --
> Brett Porter

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